Our next book fair will be held March 24-28, 2024. Students will attend the book fair during school hours.
•Our Book Fair offers a cash-free payment option called eWallet. It’s a convenient digital account that your child can use for shopping at our Fair. Grandparents, friends, and others can contribute, too! (Make sure when signing up for the eWallet you sign up for the school where your child attends, especially if you have kids in both schools.)
• If you can’t make it to the Fair, then shop online at our school’s Virtual Book Fair. All orders ship directly to your home, and shipping is free for book orders over $25. Your online orders will also benefit our school.
Visit our Book Fair homepage to learn more and get started with eWallet and online shopping:
We’re excited to celebrate our love of books together at the Book Fair. We look forward to seeing your child there! Be on the lookout for more information regarding your students day to shop!
Happy reading,
FR Elementary Campus Book Fair Committee