Bake Sales- This committee organizes Bake Sales at each night of Open House in August, and also specific events like March Math Madness/Science/Art Nights. The chair coordinates volunteers to donate baked goods and assists with selling during events.
Book Fair -This committee coordinates and hosts the Scholastic Book Fairs which are held in the fall and spring each school year. This is one of our most popular fundraisers and is a long-standing Franklin Regional tradition. Many volunteers are needed for this committee for set-up, sale days, and clean-up. We use an easy online tool to manage volunteers. Each fair runs for one full week during school hours. In the fall, the book fair is also open in the evenings during Open House.
Cash Back Programs- The chairperson coordinates the school-wide collection of Box Tops from product brands such as General Mills, Pillsbury, Betty Crocker, Huggies, Ziploc, Scott, Hefty, etc. to generate cash rebates for the school. This is a year round event. Recently the process for collecting box tops has changed. It is done all online through an app that you can download. No more clipping! All you have to do is scan your receipt from the downloaded app on your phone. The chairperson will also help to distribute information on other available programs including but not limited to
Clothing Sales- The Chairpersons coordinate the sale of Franklin Regional clothing products. The main fundraiser occurs shortly after the school year begins; orders are usually placed right after Open House. Pop-up shops will be available throughout the school year. Volunteers will assist with sales and distribution, and work the evenings of Open House. Additional sales may be available online and chairpersons would coordinate volunteers to help with pick-up days.
Corporate Contributions- The chairpersons would work with corporations, local businesses, and charitable foundations to solicit donations, services, grants and in-kind gifts to the PTO and school. There will be a chairperson at each building on the elementary campus and they will work together on many of these efforts.
Major Fundraiser- The Chairpersons for this event coordinate the details of our largest fundraiser for the year. This is typically held during the fall and helps to include all students and staff in a fun event that raises the monies to fund the largest portion of the events the PTO sponsors. This work begins as soon as possible in the spring and requires help from many volunteers.
Spirit Sales- The Chairperson coordinates the sale of “school spirit items,” such as bead necklaces, pencils, stickers, tattoos, spirit towels, water bottles, and swim bags during Spirit Sales Days. Sales are held 3x/year for 2-3 days each time during the morning arrival of students. Volunteers will be needed for approximately an hour each morning of the sale.
Bus Driver Appreciation- This committee coordinates tokens of appreciation for our wonderful bus drivers to thank them for their service to our children. Bus Driver Appreciation Day is usually on a Friday, the week prior to the last week of school. Communication to the parents is organized to rally parents to do something kind at their respective bus stops, and arrange for a group of parents and kids to congregate at the school to greet the buses that morning. Most work can be done at home.
Custodian Appreciation- This committee coordinates a gesture of appreciation for the custodial staff. This takes place during the fall in the afternoon so as to include both shifts of custodians.
Hero Lunch- This committee works with the staff member in charge of coordinating the Hero’s Lunch. They assist with planning, decorations, donations and volunteering for the event. This event ONLY takes place at the Primary school.
Winter Staff Appreciation- This committee coordinates staff appreciation during the month of December- the chairperson/s is responsible for planning the event, decorating and securing volunteers and donations if needed.
Teacher/Staff Appreciation Week- This committee covers all of the aspects of Appreciation week in the spring. One or two committee chairperson/s organize the luncheon for the staff during teacher appreciation week. Duties will include things such as ordering the lunch, decorating the room, volunteering during the luncheon, etc. An additional chairperson/s organizes ideas and gifts to give the teacher throughout teacher appreciation week. They will work closely with the HR parents to plan fun things to celebrate the teachers.
After School Programs- This committee brings outside vendors to the school to provide after school programs for our students. This committee also recruits parent volunteers to monitor and assist with the classes, as necessary. Most planning can be done at home. We typically offer 4-6 programs each year.
Field Day- This committee will work with staff to coordinate a day of fun physical activities for students. They secure adult volunteers and develop appropriate activities and monitor student participation.
Fifth Grade Farewell- This committee plans an end-of-the-year farewell party for fifth grade students. Each year has a different theme and it is a terrific way to send off our kids to the middle school. The chairpersons are responsible for planning the event, coordinating volunteers to monitor the day of the event. This is usually held in the last week of school.
Winter Shop- This committee coordinates vendors for the annual Winter Shop where students shop for holiday gifts for friends and family. The shop runs for one full week during school hours in December. This holiday shop has been a time-honored tradition and should be a fun, festive and educational event. Volunteers are needed during set-up, sale days, and clean-up.
Kindergarten/New Student Welcome- This committee provides support during Kindergarten/New Family Orientation in early-to-mid AUGUST (one morning and one afternoon session) and greets new families throughout the year. The chairperson(s) act as a “mentor” to assist with orientation and provide support to parents who have questions. Chairpersons coordinate playdates for kindergarteners and their parents to meet prior to school and help to maintain the Kindergarten Facebook page. They also provide FR Spirit Gear and a welcome note to students who start at the school during the course of the year. **Primary Only
New Student Welcome- This committee provides support and welcomes new students and their families to FR. They provide FR spirit gear and a welcome note to students who start during the year. This chairperson will work with the counselors to learn of new families during the school year. **Intermediate Only
Relay for Life- This committee organizes an event to benefit the American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life. Volunteers may assist on the day of the event typically held in May.
Turkey Cup Challenge- The committee works with the Student/Kid Council to host “penny wars” donations for the Westmoreland Food Bank. Chairperson and volunteers help to share the information with our local community, collect and count monies daily and update each grade level with the funds raised each day. This takes place in November before the Thanksgiving Holiday.
Pittsburgh Kids Marathon (Kids of Steel Team)- Volunteers will work closely withe the lead teacher for this event. The volunteers would help to coordinate a “team” for the FR Elementary Campus to run together.
Family Events- This committee will coordinate and plan a fun Family event for K-4 students & families (this may include the student and one adult or their entire family). The chairpersons will secure the location, create activity and obtain supplies needed as well as coordinate volunteers for planning and day of event.
Student Directory- The Chairperson publishes the student address and telephone directory. Volunteers assist with data input, copying, proofreading, and coordinating orders. The directory is completed in September/October.
Display Cases/Bulletin Boards- The committee decorates the display cases throughout the school to showcase the upcoming PTO activities and/or seasons in conjunction with events and teachers requests. Volunteers may sign up to help decorate. Most work can be done at home with the exception of the time needed in school to do the displays.
Non-homeroom Supplies- This committee will have close contact with our non-homeroom teachers/staff members. They will organize and distribute supplies that aren't normally supplied by the school.
Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging(DIB)- This committee will consist of people who are committed to increasing DIB within our school system. They will help to find things like activities, speakers, events for our students, teachers and guardians to participate in throughout the year. They will also serve as oversight for PTO to ensure we are offering an open, equitable and inclusive environment for all students, staff, guardians within our community and surrounding area.