It’s that time of year! We are excited to open nominations for PTO Board Members for the 2025-26 school year! This is your chance to make a tremendous impact across the elementary campus and contribute in making this a year for students, staff, and families to remember.
What does the PTO do? The PTO plays a vital role in enhancing the academic and social experience through book fairs, after school programs, assemblies, family events, field day and more! Together, we will ensure the FR Elementary Campus students and staff experience another year filled with fun and great memories for all.
Nominate Yourself or Someone Else! We’re looking for passionate individuals ready to help! There are multiple positions available, and there are co-officers to help lighten the load. Let’s work together to make a difference.
The Executive Board Officers of PTO shall be as follows: President; Vice President; Secretary; and Treasurer. Individuals serving as Co-Officers may share the duties of each office.
Executive officers shall be elected annually in the spring, prior to the last General Meeting.
Important Dates:
Information Session: Monday, January 27th
Nominations Open: Wednesday, January 29th
Nominations Deadline: Friday, February, 28th
Election at PTO Meeting: March 11, 2024, 7pm
Click below to access the Google form and submit nominations.
Serve as leader and key contact for the PTO to parents and to the principal/school administration. Preside at all meetings of the PTO, providing an agenda 2 days prior to the meeting date, for discussion (monthly board meetings, monthly general meetings, etc). During summer prior (or earlier), coordinate scheduling of PTO events for the coming school year and complete facilities requests for these events as needed. Make provisions to carry out duties of absent board members (at meetings or otherwise). Call special executive board meetings at their discretion. Suggest new committees, if necessary, and bring to the board for a vote. Provide overarching support to the PTO Board Members, Board Buddies, and Committees Chairs to ensure objectives are achieved.
Aid the president or co-presidents in organizing PTO work. Assume duties of the president in case of absence or disability of the president/co-presidents. Schedule PTO-sponsored programs for the school, including assemblies. Organize Clerical Support and Library Helpers throughout the school year. Coordinate homeroom parents by distributing a signup form, selecting homeroom parents for each classroom, training homeroom parents on their responsibilities, coordinating distribution of class party funds, communicating with homeroom parents throughout the school year. Coordinate Teacher Lounge/Conference Day donations. Assign Board Buddies
Record complete minutes of board meetings and general meetings. Type minutes, send to board members for review, and publish to make available to parents and staff, within the one week. Maintain current copy of the bylaws, having these available at PTO meetings. Maintain the current calendar of events for the PTO. Maintain all PTO documentation. Coordinate & publish monthly newsletters. Maintains mass email list for PTO members to be able to distribute emails. Responsible for collecting PTO mail at the school. Manage and maintain PTO website and Social Media Page (with the Communication Committee and Board oversight).
Maintain full custody of all the funds of the organization. Keep a full and accurate account of receipts and expenditures. Physical receipts must be kept in the treasurer’s binder and all transactions must be logged digitally in MoneyMinder. Maintain the PTO funds request form, receive any submitted forms (from school staff, committee leads, etc) and present to the board for approval. Receive and track money paid to the PTO for things like events, fundraisers, etc. Make disbursements as authorized by the organization, including paying invoices, distributing pre-approved funds, etc. Reconcile accounts monthly with bank statements. Present a financial statement at every meeting of the organization and at other times when requested by the Board and distribute an annual budget at the first PTO meeting of the school year. Arrange for the Treasurer's accounts to be examined annually by an auditor who, satisfied that the Treasurer's annual report is correct, shall sign a statement attesting to that fact. Ensure that a reasonable balance is left in the account. The specific amount shall not be less than one thousand dollars ($1,000). File the yearly tax return (due in December) and keep receipt of it. Be present at any PTO event when money changes hands, such as Book Fairs and Holiday Shop. Cash registers must be counted, filled, and emptied by a treasurer. Cash registers must be counted a second time and confirmed/signed off by an additional board member (If the Treasurer is unable to attend the event, they notify the Board and coordinate with the Committee Chair to arrange for a Board Approved “backup”). Maintain and monitor accounts for payment/donation apps used by PTO (i.e. PayPal, Cheddar Up, etc).
More information coming soon
Questions or Concerns?
Feel free to reach out to the Nominating Committee (Tamara Bey).